by Melanie Au

After my Book 8 recital, I have learnt a lot of new techniques, such as: ricochet, the use of my elbow to create more sound, having better vibrato and lots more. I have learnt a lot from Ms. Diane during this time and it has been a great time learning the songs and techniques from Book 8.
This recital has also taught me a lot of things like confidence, keeping my violin on my shoulder and lots more.
This has also been a memorable moment to put in life as I have been through a lot of graduations/recitals since I was a little girl and this was one of the hardest and longest ones as I have to play the graduation songs from the other books as well.
But it was a great experience and I enjoyed it very much. I hope to carry this experience with me for the rest of my life and continue to enjoy it and appreciate the people who helped me finish this amazing Book 8 recital