For our October Book Recitals, we were very fortunate that the performers were able to play in person with Ms Sonomi! Each performer was also able to have a parent watch the recital live, as well as inviting family and friends to join on Zoom. Here are our performers’ thoughts about the recital:

~from Miles
During my recital I felt really nervous, more nervous than when I did on other performances on stage. I was also much more careful and actually tried to get the perfect performance. Before it began I already memorised what I had to do . Including good behaviour,what to do during the pieces and following the leader when we have to . It went through pretty smoothly. I was also leader for the twinkles.

~from Lincoln
I was very happy about the recital because many of my friends complimented and congratulated me. I was also very nervous and embarrassed about the recital. I was very embarrassed because of the uniform.

~from Eric
I felt that this was a great experience for me because this is my first Book Recital. I liked how sometimes you can make mistakes but no one can correct you. I actually left out a bit of Happy Farmer but no one said I was wrong. I feel very proud because even though I made a few mistakes, I think I did a great job. I was very happy when I saw that people on zoom had watched us play. I thought that no one would come to our recital!
Finally, I would like to give thanks to the following people:
Mrs.Diane, for helping us organise the recital.
Mrs.Yuko, for teaching me all the pieces I played in the recital.
My Mom, for encouraging me all the way through.
Mrs.Sonomi, for piano accompaniment with all of the performers.
Mrs.Lan, for the photography.
Miles and Lincoln, for performing with me. (their parents too!)
Finally, all the people who watched us perform on zoom.