Cosette and Sophie performed their very first viola recital, giving their Book 1 recital on Saturday, 6 March. They each had family members attend in person, and there was a large audience of family and friends on zoom as well! Here are their thoughts about the experience.

from Cosette
I felt nervous at first, but after awhile, I felt the nervousness go away and soon I was playing confidently. I think that it was great! I’m grateful to the Pandemic that I can focus and practise more. I start to enjoy learning the viola more and more.
Thank you Miss Monica, Miss Yuko, Miss Diane and Miss Marla for teaching me. It was a great journey that you all walked with me.

from Sophie
I liked the recital. I think it was rather good because I practiced. And because it sounded good and I liked the songs. I felt good performing. At first I was a bit nervous, but during the performance I thought it was nothing to worry about.